I signed up for Art House Coop sketchbook project. You get a Moleskine sketchbook to fill and send back and it is part of gallery.
There are over 30 themes and they are assigned. Mine was Elephant in the room. At first I was like HUH? But after talking with my awesome sketchbook yahoo group, my wheels started turning.
I wanted to do it in a postsecret kind of way... altering postcards and attaching them to the book. At first I was going to write about all the things we know but don't talk about - alcoholism, divorce, affairs, abuse... and then I was getting depressed! I didn't want to promote negative - even in a small way. I wanted to send a message somehow and be straightforward and to the point and quick. I decided to make my cards on facts about world poverty and doing something to change.

My book is uploaded to Picture trail and you can see it here in its entirety and in order.
Have a good day and stay warm!
You've filled your book with a very powerful message!
Ohhh... love Post Secret, can't wait to see the finished book. :)
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