I woke up ths morning and thought Friday? have I even posted this week? Nope. Where does the time go? And I work from home!
So to catch up a bit...
Last Saturday we went to an arts festival in Burnstown, a little 4 corners of a village that hosts other artists for the weekend once a year. Very neat galleries and stores in old antique houses and log buildings.
I had my first fresh cut french fries of the year -yumm.
All very inspiring and fun to see.
On the way there, I got to drive standard! I have never done this and it was quite an experience! I think I have most of it down now except I need more practice on starting on a hill. I drove all the way home - starting and stopping on the side of the road to practice!
Being in Burnstown and sitting outside was so wonderful since here we have been SWARMED with mosquitos this past week and a half. I hate it! I have to keep letting the dog out and they keep coming in. It hasn't been too hot and the perfect temp for them. It's supposed to be killer hot this weekend, so hopefully they all DIE!!! DIe I tell ya! Maggie is covered in bites and they are so annoying. This is my new best friend...

Yes, that's a mosquito coil for OUTSIDE that I have to keep going beside my desk just to keep sane.
Other things...
I started drawing again and I posted my sketches on my other blog fromthepinestoo.blogspot.com

I've been working on an art slam which is for 20 original art pages. I want to send them out on Tuesday.

These are in progress.
Bathing puppies....

Admiring my friends crabapple tree...

Listing some old books on ebay...

And of course, trying to get through my pile of library books - got 10 more last Tuesday. I know, I know, crazy. I just LOVE books! THis is not showing all the magazines and books I OWN that I have to read. Yikes.

Well, I better get busy. Sarah and I are picking up Seans Mom Kay this aft and going down to my Moms for the weekend. A weekend of shopping, eating and drinking - Bring it on!!!
Have a good one.