First, I am going to attempt the photo a day 365 challenge. Number one above! I will probably post them weekly but I will try to TAKE a photo each day. How hard can that be? :)
Christmas and Holidays was quiet and nice with family. I had my decorations BURIED so it was good that I went away! That meant that the stocking for Sarah was buried too and even though she is 18 (19 in 3 days! ) she still loves her stocking. I was gonna buy one, but I decided since I had the sewing machine out from making the monster (past post) I would make her one!

I hand stitched the name and did the trim and ribbon. She LOVED it! and now she can take it with her for her next Christmases.
Speaking of the previous monster, when she saw the one I had made - she wanted one! So I made her one of those too.
It's a rockin out one and with some leather and lace. She loved this too! And she can be a little picky... just sayin. She will tell you what she likes and doesn't like and she's not the "artsy" type like her mama so it was nice to see her like the stuff I did.
So now on Day 2 of 2011 I am putting out my word for the year too.
Something I need a lot of - lol. I tend to do lots of things, have lots of ideas, and not get anything done. Some things done, but not the LISTS of things I would like.
So now to focus, get off the computer more - or USE it for making those things happen. Have a schedule for art, for reading, for leisure, make some deadlines and follow through.
I don't want to be all rigid but just clearer on the vision - FOCUS.
Good one.